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The Issue

The Sun is powered by the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium. When it starts running out of hydrogen the core will shrink and this will accelerate the rate of fusion and the power output. It is estimated that

The Sun is powered by the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium. When it starts running out of hydrogen the core will shrink and this will accelerate the rate of fusion and the power output. It is estimated that Earth could support life for 1.75 to 3.25 billion years, when the Earth will get out of the habitable zone and enter the ‘hot’ zone.

According to Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson, it is estimated that around 30,000 species per year are driven to extinction. Compared to the natural background rate of one species getting extinct per million, you can see why scientists refer to this even as the Anthropogenic extinction.

Earth could support life for 1.75 to 3.25 billion years, when the Earth will get out of the habitable zone and enter the ‘hot’ zone.

According to Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson, it is estimated that around 30,000 species per year are driven to extinction. Compared to the natural background rate of one species getting extinct per million, you can see why scientists refer to this even as the Anthropogenic extinction.


These studies show, just how fragile life on our planet is.

To prevent this and transfer a little bit of ourselves and our life into the eternity, our team proposes the following mission.

Anchor 1

The Mission



The only way for humans to be sustained even after times of extreme cold and extreme hot is to send our DNA as a mathematical code in space.


Furthermore, that human samples such as hair, skin or nail will be under a very high radiation within the space. 


With the speed of 17km/s, which is enough to escape the sun’s gravitational pull, Voyager 1 is set to do a flyby of another star in approximately 40 ooo years.


With five proven mass extinctions and the possibility of one occurring now this might be one of the
only ways to leave the mark of intelligence in the Universe.

Social Reach


Based on the statistic provided it seems that the general population is detached from the space exploration. To change this, it is important that people become more engaged and aware of all the scientific discoveries. In the case of a new Voyager type mission people need to be involved in the creating of the remix of the Golden Record. Therefore, a voting system could be introduced, so people could vote and propose content.

Check out these channels for some science videos:


The following code snippet is used to read an audio file and embed a picture into it. It translates the grayscale image into sound wave amplitudes. Using this technique any kind of information could be embedded into an audio file, even in analogue format.

hello universe.png


  1. A Message from Earth, Author(s): Carl Sagan, Linda Salzman Sagan and Frank DrakeSource: Science, New Series, Vol. 175, No. 4024 (Feb. 25, 1972), pp. 881-884Published by: American Association for the Advancement of ScienceStable URL: Accessed: 29/01/2014 22:36


  3. Радиационни въздействия при експлоатацията и извеждането от експлоатация

  4. Семиотика, семиосфера, семиозис - Александър Феодорв –Институт за литература,

  5. Psycholinguistics and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Lidija Krotenko— PhD, Ass
    ociate Professor National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

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